Join me in living authentically.

Her own unplugged journey of growing through pain prompted the development of specialized coaching programs designed exclusively by Leslyn for everyone who desires the same.

Let your bumps, bruises, and pains be the impetus for personal growth!

With encouragement, compassion, and experiential wisdom,
Leslyn will guide you along your personal path to literally “bloom where you are planted”.

My story is about loss and discovery.
Walk with me and know that

you are not alone.

~ Leslyn


Jump start your growth by joining a small group in this exclusive class that Leslyn offers only TWICE each year. It’s a structured, fast paced journey toward self-discovery that introduces concepts you’ll spend years discovering more deeply. It’s a great way to dive into self discovery!

Enroll in the
This is ME Bootcamp

 This class is about lifelong growth, not cheap quick-fixes.  I am looking forward to using the tools and life lessons I've gained for the rest of my life!

— Bootcamp Student, B.P.

Latest from the blog…


It’s Hurt People
Who Hurt People

It’s always been my intent to foster personal growth, both as a therapist and as the woman I am. It’s a personal passion of mine as well as a daily intention. While the current political and social landscape is inspiring the energy from which I write, my motivation is still to encourage each reader to …

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A parent says “I love you” and then they are demanding and critical. A child makes a connection between the two.

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Self-Disclosure & Me

If you have been following me for any length of time, you have probably come to realize that I share a great deal of personal information about my life. It is called self-disclosure and it is rather controversial in a lot of arenas. v

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Our Stories

Very early in life we begin learning language and relating to the world in part by making associations; If I cry, mother will come. If I throw a block, everyone will turn toward me. If I take a nap, daddy won’t yell. Etc. These associations, coupled with our observations of the environment are woven into stories we tell ourselves.

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Let’s start the journey of becoming your best self…

The Elevate Class

“Be Happier, Healthier & More Productive”

This Is Leslyn Blog

Try This at Home Podcast