This is US - One Session
Buy one 90 minute session with Leslyn with you and your partner to address a single issue that you find challenging.
This is great for couples who are generally on course but are finding it hard to discover resolution and need a bit of mediation
Buy one 90 minute session with Leslyn with you and your partner to address a single issue that you find challenging.
This is great for couples who are generally on course but are finding it hard to discover resolution and need a bit of mediation
Buy one 90 minute session with Leslyn with you and your partner to address a single issue that you find challenging.
This is great for couples who are generally on course but are finding it hard to discover resolution and need a bit of mediation
Sometimes we just need a little support to get through a miscommunication, an objective observation for different perspectives, and/or ironing out a kink in the energy between partners.
This single session will seek to do just and/or determine whether coaching or counseling is indicated. When there is a need for healing - counseling is a better option because it looks at emotional wounds and seeks to address the pain. Coaching is more oriented toward the future and growth.
When you purchase this package, you’ll be directed to email Leslyn to schedule time for your session. Every attempt will be made to see you within 7 calendar days.